No problem programming 2m frqs into it and I'm able to open the squelch on my GT3TP from anywhere in the house/gardens with clear transmission and it receives well too. If your programming cable has a counterfeit Prolific chip and are using the device driver automatically installed by Windows, this device driver is intentionally incompatible with unauthorized copies of the Prolific chip. Virtual COM port VCP drivers cause the USB device to appear as an additional COM port available to the PC. You will more than likely want to insert the new board inside the original plastic housing. Basically the radio is pretty much a brick until software is released and use of the proper programming cable. BF-T1 is a super-thin UHF mini handheld radio with comfortable buttons. Get the USB programming cable and use CHIRP to program the channels and life will be easy. Here you will find user manuals, device drivers and softwares for a wide range of our products. Baofeng USB Programming Cable, Read More.
Download Now BAOFENG BF-T1 PROGRAMMING CABLE DRIVERĬHIRP is free open source software anyone can download.